I guess some allotment plots are more picturesque than others. Mine is surrounded by an industrial park. We also had big problems with vandalism, so the council have put in some new fencing. While it's proved effective, it doesn't add anything to the ambience. Feels like we're doing time on the chain gang sometimes.
Anyhow, I've been shifting an old compost heap at the very end of my plot. I piled it up with heavy clay that was totally unworkable when I first cultivated the plot. The wind, rain and frosts of several winters have worked wonders and that juvenile delinquent equivilent of earth, has become a reformed character and is now ready to be reintroduced into society. Well, back into my beds anyway.
The heap was at the very end of the photograph above - you might be able to see the darker earth on the two end beds (or bed and a half), where I have now spread the soil.
The original compost heap also had soil from a pond I dug. The pond is situated at the far end, adjacent to the weeping willow. Yes, I know the tree isn't easy to make out, but give me a break, it is only March.
More about the pond another day...
It's amazing how the elements can change the structure of soil. Looking forward to hearing about your pond.