Home brewing antics can now be found at my other blog; http://gettinggrist.blogspot.com/

Tuesday 24 April 2012

The Truth (the whole truth and nothing but the truth)

I'm awful at telling lies. Some would deem this a good trait, but when it comes to women, it most definitely isn't.

Should my good wife request my opinion on something, do I give the answer she wants to hear, or what I actually think is the truth? I know it's fundamentally flawed, but I can't help saying, 'actually, it does make your bum look big',  if it really does.

As a result, I'm sometimes in the doghouse. Especially if it coincides with the part of her cycle in which impaling me on sharp instrument is only good enough if she can give it a few turns too. It's one of those times now.

As a result, I was quick to pursue solace up the allotment when the rain finally abated for a couple of hours and I was greeted by the sight of my potatoes (first earlies) poking eagerly through the ground.

Although slightly difficult to make out, I also attached the string to my hop frames for when the plants start scrambling to the sky. Last year I used bamboo canes, but harvesting was a pain and it should be so much easier this time around if I can just cut the vines down, string and all.

The 'Target' hops are already on their journey...

Whereas the 'Bramling Cross' are only just starting to show.

And so reluctant was I to return home, I even decided to hoe through one of the strawberry beds.

It was nice to see the sunshine for an hour or two. I only hope the reception back home isn't going to be as frosty as when I left. Wish me luck.


  1. LOL you make me laugh! Im crap at lying to but I think im a bit more diplomatic than you by the sounds of it!

    Our spuds are just coming up too, well the two we planted in tyres... others to go in this weekend, do you think we're too late?

    Hope all's back to happy families at home :)

  2. Hi Astra, I think you'll be fine putting in more potatoes. I might do some more too - although the first earlies are coming up, I fear the second lot of tubers I put in may have rotted, as is hasn't stopped raining since they went in and the plot is becoming waterlogged.

    As for homelife, yes things have warmed up a bit but it's taken a while! I think we could all do with a bit of sunshine to lift our spirits.
